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Missions Hotline - Requests for the Week of January 30, 2017


The PAOC Missions Hotline is a weekly communication of prayer requests that may include PAOC global workers, Mission Canada workers, district or constituency prayer needs, and current Canadian or international news events and related needs. It is sent weekly from The PAOC International Office in Mississauga, Ont. To download a PDF version of the Missions Hotline, please click here.

Week of January 30, 2017

Deborah Sirjoosingh


Please pray for Deborah, whose sister passed away last week. Pray that God will comfort all of the family members and friends who are in mourning during this difficult time. Pray also that Deborah will be comforted and encouraged while she is far away from friends and family.



Please pray for the community of Centre culturel islamique de Québec in Québec City, and all who have been impacted by the terrible tragedy on Sunday January 29, 2017.  A man shot and killed six people and wounded 19 during evening prayers. Pray for God’s comfort and physical and emotional healing for the people who survived the shooting and for the families and friends of those killed. Pray also for God’s peace and a renewed sense of co-operation and community for the people of Québec City


Kathy & Steve Bowler


Please pray that God will guide Kathy and Steve’s daughter, Amy, in her decision on which university to attend in Canada, as she is graduating this year. Pray that God will guide all of the logistics regarding the move back to Canada for her, Kathy and Steve, who plan to be near her in Canada for the next year. Pray that all of the details will come together in Malawi before they leave, including someone to maintain the Children of Blessing and Fountain of Life programs. Pray also that Kathy and Steve would find someone who could live in their house in Malawi to take care of it and their pets while they are away.

The PAOC is a member of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship. Visit regularly for updates on a wide range of global prayer needs. 

Please feel free to copy and paste this content as needed for your communication purposes. The Missions Hotline is sent weekly from The PAOC International Office in Mississauga, ON. Send in your inquiries to Kevin Brown:

We also encourage you to visit every week for the latest global worker prayer updates.