Stewardship Services
Welcome to Stewardship Services, where our vision is to offer sound biblical and practical resources to help us all be better stewards of the many resources and gifts God has given to each one of us.
Christians are not exempt from dealing with financial management and stewardship issues. The Bible gives ample direction and guidelines that help us manage the resources God has entrusted to us. There are approximately 2,350 verses in the Bible that talk about money and material possessions: 16 out of the 38 parables in the Gospels deal with these issues. It is our belief that we are not owners of the resources and gifts, but managers who can impact our world and God’s kingdom both now and in the future.
Here is how we can help…
For more information about having a Radical Stewardship seminar in your church, donating stocks or purchasing charitable gift annuities, please contact Sharon Thomson at or 905-542-7400 ext.2217