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Call to Prayer for PAOC Churches and Members

Call to Prayer for PAOC Churches and Members

When we witness the recent heartbreaking events of terrorism in France and other contexts, the murder of a mother and child in Calgary and ongoing incidents of racial tension and deaths, we are reminded of how Jesus taught us to respond to the “signs of His coming” (Matthew 24 and 25).

First, we are to be alert and pray. I invite us this weekend to have specific times of prayer for each of these matters of concern.

Second, we are to continue to exercise faithful stewardship as we live diligently investing our gifts and resources.

Finally, we must care for the “least of our brothers and sisters.”

Our actions of love, justice and mercy must be seen at this time. My prayer is that we would not be overwhelmed by hate or cower in fear, but be full of power, love and soundness of mind. “Lord hear our prayer.”

Dave Wells,
General Superintendent

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada