Mission Canada Staff
Kevin Rogers
Urban Ministries Coordinator

Kevin Rogers has a long history of urban ministry as the founding pastor of New Song Church in Windsor ON, since 1994 and a founding member of the band 2fish. Life among the poor has shaped a 'Beatitudes heart’ and a deep respect for the image of God in each person.
Additionally Kevin has had many involvements in the world of chaplaincy, interfaith relations and community development. His heart longs for the day when the downtown core of our urban centres is filled with new disciple-making communities and compassion entrepreneurship.
Kevin also is the host of Sidewalk Skyline Podcast - a podcast showing how God is at work in Canadian cities.
Three Fun Things Kevin Likes About Canada:
- I love the fact that Canada is so vast that there’s always some place new to go.
- Poutine, Wellesley Apple Butter, Ketchup Chips. Where else will you find these things?
- Canadian musicians rule the world!