Workers & Projects

Neighbours & Newcomers Network Niagara
Cultural Ministry
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Our Neighbours & Newcomers Network is growing. We have added a worker in Southern Ontario who is reaching out to those of various cultures and backgrounds, and refugees who are being welcomed to Canada. Your financial partnership makes it possible for Mission Canada to position a worker in Southern Ontario who will reach newcomers to Canada in the Niagara Region and Hamilton area. Your partnership in making this happen is invaluable.
Neighbours & Newcomers Network Niagara Cultural Ministry
Ministry Location: Niagara Region, ON
Ministry Focus: Cultural Ministry
For eight years, this Mission Canada worker was engaged in full-time ministry in the Middle East as a global worker and pastor who also worked with refugees. Upon returning to Canada, they were struck by the large number of refugees arriving in Canada from the Middle East and resettling in the Niagara and Hamilton areas.
In the Old Testament, God commanded His people to love the alien and newcomer in their midst (Leviticus 19:34, Deuteronomy 10:19), and God still commands us to do the same today. Many newcomers to Canada have faced the reality of war and having flee their homeland. They have experienced firsthand the trauma associated with troubling and unsettled times. What a better way to demonstrate what it means to follow Christ than to love and care for the new neighbours the Lord puts around us.
This worker will be engaging with those of various cultures, running English classes, making personal visits and planning outings for newcomers. They will help in meeting the practical needs of families who have had to leave their country and come to another nation with nothing but the clothes on their back. Household items are needed, appointments must be made for setting up health cards and connecting with those in the medical and dental professions. There are times when trauma counselling is beneficial. And, helping a newcomer find their way through a Canadian grocery store can be quite challenging as well.
While living in the Middle East, this family was shown the most amazing hospitality. Now, back in Canada, they will open their home and heart to extend that same type of welcoming hospitality. This worker knows the importance of inviting others into their home, especially during the holidays and for special occasions, as most newcomers have no family close by and don't have a full understanding of the holidays that are celebrated in Canada.
Mission Canada is excited to have a cultural worker in the Niagara Region and in Hamilton, two key areas in Southern Ontario where the immigrant population is experiencing growth. As they take every opportunity to build relationships with those who are new to the area and develop friendships, the love of Jesus will shine through their godly character, their warm and kind ways, as well as their helpful acts of service and genuine gift of hospitality. As they reach out to those who are neighbours and newcomers in sincere and practical ways, we know that the truth of the gospel will be seen, heard, felt, patiently explained, and experienced. It is the good news of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit that captures the hearts and transforms lives. Why do we do this? Because we must!
Our Neighbours & Newcomers Network is growing. We have added a worker in Southern Ontario who is reaching out to those of various cultures and backgrounds, and refugees who are being welcomed to Canada. Your financial partnership makes it possible for Mission Canada to position a worker in Southern Ontario who will reach newcomers to Canada in the Niagara Region and Hamilton area. Your partnership in making this happen is invaluable.
Where do your donations go?
Our Mission Canada worker in the Niagara Region and Hamilton area of Southern Ontario is an extension of the local church, reaching out to those who are new to Canada on a daily basis. They are placed in Mission Canada's cultural language priority and specifically in our Neighbours & Newcomers Network to be salt and light, to practically serve those in need and develop the relationship necessary to effectively make disciples of those from the Middle East religious worldviews. Your donation makes it possible for this worker to serve in this way, and will help them with expenses associated with this practical ministry expression focused on the newcomer to Canada. May God reward your generosity as you reach out to impact our nation of Canada and as we build our Neighbours & Newcomers team across this fine land.