Mission Canada, the national mission agency of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, partners with districts and local churches to impact our nation with the gospel. Together we have this opportunity. Together we have this urgent responsibility.
There are many contexts where there is a gap: campuses, people groups, regions and communities where Jesus is inadequately represented. Mission Canada is committed to identifying and coming alongside those who will pursue their calling to fill these gaps.
These Mission Canada workers will make a lasting impact on the people they are sent to. We invite you to link with us to see a whole new wave of ministry into our five areas of missional priority. First we ask you to pray everyday for our nation. Transformation only takes place when the spiritual work of intercession is being done. Pray that the Lord of our Canadian harvest will send the right persons to fill the missional gaps. We urge you to give. Existing and newly appointed Mission Canada workers are being released to do critical ministry and they and their projects are worthy of our financial support.
This is who the PAOC is - a relationally based mission family working together to see Canadians transformed by Jesus' good news.
Workers & Projects

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Your donation will help the work of Mission Canada to continue as we seek to reach people in our nation with the good news of Jesus.
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Your donation will help the work of Mission Canada to continue as we seek to reach people in our nation with the good news of Jesus.