David Wells Appointed President of PCCNA

by Kevin Brown Mar 17, 2020, 10:59 AM

Watch Dave’s introductory message describing our shared mission moving into the future. (Click here.)

On March 3, the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA) announced that general superintendent David Wells was elected as president, and will assume responsibilities as of May 1, 2020.[1] PCCNA provides a framework for fellowship, dialogue, and co-operation between the various Pentecostal and Charismatic denominations, churches, and ministries in North America. Rev. Wells succeeds Rev. Jeff Farmer, who served as elected president since 2015 when the position was first created. Before being elected president, Rev. Wells served as PCCNA’s treasurer.

Additional leadership changes included Rev. Kay Horner, executive director of the Awakening America Alliance and The Helper Connection, being appointed as executive director effective April 1, and Rev. Lydia Thomas, assistant presiding elder of the United Pentecostal Council of the Assemblies of God (UPCAG), elected unanimously as secretary for the PCCNA Executive Committee.

From left to right: Dr. David Wells, Rev. Lydia Thomas, and Rev. Kay Horner. Image courtesy PCCNA.

Rev. Wells shared some background on PCCNA’s role in bringing Pentecostal groups together, including The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, which has been a member of the PCCNA from its inception under the Pentecostal Fellowship of North America (PFNA). “PCCNA provides an active network of 47 denominations and ministries in which the PAOC connects for shared initiatives and resources. This includes a number of Canadian fellowships and churches, including the PAOC. Current focuses developed under Dr. Farmer’s leadership include a cohort of 20 Next Generation leaders, the GO 2020 evangelism emphasis, and commissions addressing racial unity, Christian unity, global church health, prayer, women in ministry, communications, and discipleship. We must build on these good foundations and together achieve new levels of unified impact as co-labourers with God.”

One major focus for PCCNA this year is GO 2020, a special edition of Global Outreach Day, intended to inspire as many believers as possible across the globe to share the gospel with as many as they can, wherever they may be. Visit http://www.pccna.org to learn more about PCCNA’s focus and mission, and https://www.go2020.world/home to learn about GO 2020.

PAOC Communications