PAOC Missions Prayer- the week of September 12, 2019

by User Not Found Sep 16, 2019, 08:35 AM

"It was a day of miracles! We believe prayer held off the rain, that weather radars said would descend on the outdoor venue, at the exact time (our daughter's) wedding was to begin. MJ and I prayed that my health would hold for the wedding. Not only did it hold, but I felt supernatural strength from the Thursday to the Sunday. 

Now it is time for some new miracles. After reviewing my most recent CT scan, the liver surgeon has scheduled surgery for October 3rd. Although the tumours have not diminished in size, the good news is that they have not increased, nor have they spread. What remains to be seen is if both the liver and colon surgery will be done at the same time. Both surgeons will consult. The final decision may not be made until the day of surgery as they remove portions of my liver. As my liver surgeon put it: “if we can do both on the same day, I’ll go for a coffee while the colon surgeon does his work”. I have to laugh, surgery for these guys is like most of us driving a car, it becomes a daily routine over time.

Here is a closing thought for you. Psalm 66 remembers God’s rescue of the Israelites, as they watched God part the waters of the Red Sea, during their exodus from Egypt. Verse 10 says: “For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver.” I love what the footnotes in the Life Application Bible say about this verse. “Just as fire refines silver in the smelting process, trials refine our character. They bring us a new and deeper wisdom, helping us discern truth from falsehood and giving us the discipline to do what we know is right. Above all, these trials help us realise that life is a gift from God to be cherished, not a right to be taken for granted.”"

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