PAOC Missions Prayer - the week of August 15, 2019

by User Not Found Aug 15, 2019, 13:01 PM

Don and MJ Mann - Kenya
PRAY for Don as he continues his battle with cancer. Here is an update from him:

"From the moment I heard that I was facing the new reality of cancer, it has been my prayer that all would be well for (our daughter) Stephanie’s wedding day. Once again God graciously continues to fit the pieces of the puzzle together with incredible precision. As He would have it, my chemo schedule has aligned perfectly with the wedding. I completed my third cycle of chemo yesterday which allows me to rest and prepare for the weekend. To date the side effects have been minimal and I have been able to live life with considerable normalcy. On August 23rd, the week after the wedding, I will have my fourth round of chemo therapy followed by a CT scan on September 4th. The scan will determine if I am ready for surgery. My September blog will provide you with an update. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the surgeons were to discover that the tumours have disappeared and surgery is no longer needed? Whatever my lot, it is still well with my soul! MJ and I continue to walk together within the peace and strength of God. We can literally feel the sustaining power of prayer that is taking place from various points around the globe. What an amazing privilege to hold tightly to the right hand of our Heavenly Father, the Healer!

“My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.” – Psalm 73:26

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