4-14: Reaching Children in Asia

by Hana Zohiry Jan 8, 2018, 16:35 PM

We volunteer weekly at a children's school for the blind. We connected with the school through an old contact and they were more than willing to have us come and teach the students. Our main goal for our visit is to bring JOY into their lives and then teach some English.


An interview with A global worker in a Restricted Access Nation

What is the nature of your ministry with children? Please describe how your role as a global worker in this location was needed.

We volunteer weekly at a children's school for the blind and. We connected with the school through an old contact and they were more than willing to have us come and teach the students. Our main goal for our visit is to bring JOY into their lives and then teach some English.

Are children there responsive the Gospel? If so, why? 

Due to security concerns and the government issued protection of children being exposed to outside religions we cannot often publicly talk about the Gospel. We have taken advantage of holidays such as Easter and Christmas to share a Gospel saving message with them. At other times, when we sense the Father leading us to share, the children are very interested and curious about the Gospel and begin shouting out questions seeking clarity on “Who is Jesus?” and “Why does he love me?”  It can get a little crazy as we try to clarify that Jesus is for real and not a fairytale! They are intrigued by the Father and HIS story of love. 

What difference are you seeing in the lives of children as a result of your ministry? Please share a testimony

The Father is bringing peace to these children. One night evening when I was arriving at the school I noticed one little girl sitting in the front of the class and she looked worried and upset. I approached her and starting talking with her only to find out that during the past week, she told me she couldn’t sleep and was worried because she was being haunted by ghosts and she said, “They are always here.”  It was right then that I felt a strong, small voice inside of me saying, ‘Tell her that I can bring her peace.’  I promised her that I would pray for her all week and I would get others to help me. I wanted her to know that she could bring any request big or small to God and He would listen. She was thankful for our conversation but it was time to start class. A whole week went by and I kept my promise and enlisted help from Canadians and together we prayed peace over this precious little girl. The following week at the school, I was interested to check in with her and see how her week went but I barely got in the door before she shouted out, “They are gone!  They are gone! The ghosts are gone! I have peace!” Our Father is in the business of giving peace to HIS precious little ones. 

What can the Canadian church do to help partner with you?

  1. Pray HOPE for a great future over these marginalized children.
  2. Pray that HIS LOVE would touch their lives and bring them eternal life.
  3. Pray JOY into their daily lives as many of these kids suffer with depression. 

What are the greatest challenges/obstacles in reaching children?

Our greatest challenge is that it is considered illegal to expose/teach children about “outside” religions. Another obstacle is a practical one, there is a lack of kid-friendly Faith-based materials. The internet is censored which means downloading or searching for this type of material at times can almost be impossible. 

How can we pray for you and your ministry?

  • Pray for creativity as we build English lessons that would lead to deeper conversation and questions. 
  • Pray for security and protection as we do our best to honour the countries rules and regulations while having personal convections that these children need to hear of HIS love.

#Hope4nextgen #414