4:14 Focus: My Prayer for Canada

by Hana Zohiry Nov 30, 2017, 16:17 PM

What is your prayer for Canada? We encourage you to write out your prayer and share it with our MAK audience.

In the Winter 2015 Issue of Mission and Kids (MAK), we invited children across the nation to send us their prayer for Canada:


What is your prayer for Canada? We encourage you to write out your prayer and share it with our MAK audience.

Together, let’s pray for… 

  1. More people to hear and respond to God’s call to be missionaries in our homeland
  2. Opportunities to share Jesus with our neighbours
  3. Workers to reach children in Quebec and the Francophone parts of Canada
  4. Health and strength for PAOC’s Mission Canada workers
  5. Our Prime Minister and the leaders of our nation

“…but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.”  Psalm 66:19

Thank you for sending us your prayers and for joining in praying for our great nation. We continue to invite you to send us your prayer requests.

Together, let's believe God for answers to prayer that we will see His mighty hand do amazing things in our familiescommunities,nation and around the world!

Email your prayers to us at  missioncanada.paoc.org