There's No Way I Can Go Back

by Hana Zohiry Nov 7, 2017, 07:32 AM

Three years had passed since the first cups of tea were drunk together in front of ‘Jonathan’s’ shop. Many words had been spoken about God, faith, religion, and Jesus, but ‘Jonathan’ had always made it clear that though there were many similarities between what ‘Albert’ believed and what ‘Jonathan’ believed, he could never accept that Jesus was God’s Son or that He died on the cross. But today’s conversation was different. ‘Jonathan’ was pensive, more than usual. ‘Albert’ could see something had changed.

As the two men sat on the sidewalk drinking tea one more time, watching cars and people go by, discussing football, politics, family, and what Jesus’ death on the cross means for mankind, there seemed to be an openness that hadn’t been there before – an openness to the idea that maybe, just maybe Jesus could be God and his death on the cross may have bought our freedom from sin and its consequences. Part way through the conversation, with a resolute look on his face, ‘Jonathan’ looked up at ‘Albert’ and said “… and all I have to do is believe? That’s it?… I will do that, I will believe!”