PAOC 4-14 Prayer Focus: Quebec

by User Not Found Apr 30, 2017, 17:02 PM

As the Children’s Ministries Director for the PAOC District of Quebec, my prayer for children in Quebec is to see them connect with God, for them to see Jesus as a real hero who loves them, and that they would be filled by the Spirit as He teaches them about who they are as children of God. I also pray that our children would develop a strong love for the Word of God, not as any other book, but that they would understand and believe that every word in it comes from God Himself. I invite you today to join with us across the nation and around the world in praying for the children of Quebec. 

Philippe Chassé
 E-mail    Website    PaocKidz

Consider the following statistics as you pray for the children of Quebec today:

  • In 2013, there was 1,253,932 children in Quebec between the ages of 0 to 14.
  • 17% of Quebec’s children live in step-families.
  • The number of children living with a single parent is up since 2006.Montreal has the highest number of single-parent families in the province.
  • There are more children living in foster families and same-sex parents in Quebec than in any of the other Canadian provinces.
  • In a classroom, 1 Canadian out of 10 has learning difficulties (ADD, dyslexia, etc.)
  • 50% of Quebec’s children live in the Greater Montreal area.16% live in Quebec City and the surrounding area.
  • 87% of children from immigrant families live in the Greater Montreal area.
  • In 2012-2013, Direction of Youth Protection (DPJ) took charge of 27,634 children, 57 % were between 0 and 12 years of age.
  • The reporting of children to Youth Protection is down 10% but cases of children with mental illness and physical abuse is increasing.