4-14: Reaching Children in Restricted Areas

by Hana Zohiry Apr 12, 2016, 07:00 AM

An interview with A global worker in a Restricted Access Nation

What is the nature of your ministry with children? Please describe how your role as a global worker in this location was needed. 

The country we work in is an Atheist country. They teach the children from a very young age that the only thing they need to believe in is scientific facts; there is no God. There are hundreds of millions of kids that get this message in school every day. We need Global workers here to influence the fabric of this society for Christ.  It is the only hope to boldly declare the truth.

Are children there responsive the Gospel? If so, why? 

Everyone is skeptical of the Gospel, because in schools they are told to be aware.  But the Gospel given in word and deed we find to be extremely powerful! Being the hands and feet of Jesus changes lives because they see it, not just hear it.

What difference are you seeing in the lives of children as a result of your ministry? Please share a testimony.

We have a young boy that has a desire to be a pastor! He is so passionate that he wants to drop out of school and go into an underground Bible school. We are encouraging him to stay in school to increase his literacy and have promised to help him find a Bible school when he graduates!

We recently planted a church in an urban poor part of a city and the whole worship band is made of young people whose hearts have softened to receive the gospel! Close to half of the Fellowship is children eager to learn about the Savior!

What can the Canadian church do to help partner with you?

  • Pray! Nothing happens without this!
  • Give! We cannot impact the 4-14 age group without support!
  • Come! Serve long term or short term
  • Learn! Learn about the situations going on with children around the world and so fellowships can lift them better and get involved in change!

What are the greatest challenges/obstacles in reaching children?

The government is a challenge because they protect their children so much from messages they deem harmful, unfortunately this includes the Good News. We need to tread lightly in the areas we work, security issues are no joke. We desire to positively impact kids’ lives but finding areas where we are allowed to this can be difficult. Also finding faith resources in local languages and dialects is a challenge.

How can we pray for you and your ministry?

  • For more open doors!
  • For more workers who have a heart to teach children!
  • For funding to keep our work alive
  • For our National coworkers (who do the work with the kids) to grow in their relationship with the Father so that their faith becomes contagious!
  • For the local fellowships to grow in their heart for the youth!
  • That the Holy Spirit will soften hearts against the anti-God message children hear every day.